Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Bike with Pedals

Tommy has had a bike, but it just was by far, and is the coolest bike you will find. Its a European style Radio Flyer no pedal bike that he hauls around on. But we got him this only cause he could reach pedals on most of the kids bikes. So, I was at the DI looking for a fish bowl for our new gold fish ands saw them unpacking this Ketler (a sweet German brand, only sold in high end toy stores) kid bike, and was shocked someone was giving it up. Even more shocked to see the price. $3!!!! I about screamed, and grabbed it! We ran home to let Tommy try it out. Luckily my friend Christine,a photographer, was outside with her camera to capture it best. Now Thomas has two sweet rides. One with and without pedals.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tommy is Getting too big

This video is a couple of months old, but it just made me smile because Tommy is so dang cute and smart. He surprises me all the time at how quickly he picks up on things and how independent he is.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Enjoy it now

Lately, I’ve been trying to appreciate each moment. Robbie and I have discussed that we can’t live our life in the “when…” type of thinking. “When…I’m feeling healthier…we are out of these apartments, out of this year of school, in this residency, when Tommy is potty trained, have more time with each other…” fill in any blank! Really, when any of these things actually come to pass, there will be something else that needs to happen. There will never be enough time, money, or me to go around. So enjoy the now. Regardless of the challenge. Enjoy it now.

I am trying. Really, I am. It seems that as I’m trying, my own health pounds me to the ground and I get the wind knocked out of me. It's hard to seize the day when you feel bitter, alone, and life is unfair at the moment. I had a particular doctor’s appointment I was dreading and I had a priesthood blessing right before. I’m grateful for the amazing support of my husband who gives his all to love and support me. I was calm and collected and grateful for it. Feeling discouraged I said a prayer on the way home in my car to help these feelings leave me. I came home and found this video on a friend’s blog. This was all I needed to put things in PERSPECTIVE. We all have challenges, but there is always someone who has it worse. Someone who can teach us how they are handling their challenges in a Christ like way. How grateful I am for examples to inspire me. It's a little long, but well worth the minutes.

All I have ever wanted, I have. I pleaded with the Lord to give me a righteous man and He DID. I pleaded with the Lord to make me a Mother somehow and He DID! I ask that he make me a better person, more patient, kind, and stronger and he is. I am grateful for all I have. I am blessed to have the family I do, the friends that I do, and the life that I do. I am enjoying it now.