Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is there ever time for the mom?

Tommy is three, a very active three year old. To those of you who have no tolerance for moms complaining for a second, don't read. But I'm ready to blow. Its been a test today, to see how long my child goes without "needing" me...the longest spurt was 2 min. Being pregnant and tired, and trying to still stay on top of the bare essentials, there is no rest, ever it seems. I try to sit on the chair and put my feet up, only to hear crashing in the back room where Tommy fell of his bunk bed. Then seeing his room, I see every item of clothing removed from the dresser (I have no idea why) and the beds I had just made turned into some sort of hideout. 30 minutes of work for me was destroyed in 3 minutes. I yell and loose my cool, as I am so much more these days, and try to get him to help me clean up. I find myself giving into battles with him just cause I don't have the energy to fight or disciple. I take him swimming to tire him out, and give my pelvis some much needed weight off my feet release. I'm the only thing he wants to climb on or swim with. I become a jungle gym in second, and end up much more exhausted than I began. After we got out of the gym shower and getting dressed, Tommy empties the bottle of shampoo back into his hair. I almost cry and want to throw him in the pool. But only one change of clothes. On the way to the car, he runs away from me, only to loose his balance, and fall in the biggest muddy ice puddle. He screams in pain, and he is covered in brown water. I wrap him naked in a towel and throw him in his car seat and drive home, trying not to go crazy. As I'm staring a load of laundry of wet towels, Tommy announces he just peed in the middle of our carpet. WHAT? Hes perfectly potty trained? I fly off the handle again, and pray not to totally loose it. I then remember that our dryer (20 years old) is broken and cant be fixed as of a day ago, which means I'm going to be hauling all this to the laundry mat. The tears start to come...I hurt everywhere. i feel car sick. I cant do this one more second. I say I need a time out, and try to find a website with something inspirational to get me through the next 30 minutes. But that involved me not being there with Tommy, and he spilled apple juice (accident, I don't know). I make it through 30 seconds of a "Mormon message" and yell, "Can I not get 30 seconds to myself"?? Tommy begins to cry, and so do I. I know he didn't sign up for this, and some days I wonder why I did. But I calm down, clean up the pee and juice, and sit him inn front of the Disney channel for who knows how long he will last, and say "I'm sorry for yelling, I love you", and start to write here. I need to fall apart somewhere, and I'm sure others have felt this way. But where do you turn for peace? I think tonight will need to be a date night for myself...maybe a dollar movie or something. My husband will be happy to give me a few hours I'm sure, and I need it. Hopefully with a little break and a good bath, tomorrow I wont loose it by 9 AM like today.


L said...

Ugh - Kate, I'm so sorry! We all have days like these - but that one was particularly BAD!!!

Take some time off tonight, and hang in there... tomorrow is a new day!

Jana and Brett said...

What a day! Just want you to know, I've been there! :0) My moments of peace vary day to day, because honestly some of them are only minutes at a time. Love ya Kate! Glad to know I'm not the only one who has hard days.

Dad said...

Sorry to tell you Kate, but I a told a Gypsy who was panhandling in San Francisco to "get a job" and she said I will curse your family and that little 3 yr old turd in Salt Lake. I responded, "go ahead, make my day Gypsy woman" and, well, you can see the result. I paid her $20, but she was still mad and said you won't know the time or hour I undo the curse. So, my dear daughter, let me know when Tommy has a great day and does everything you tell him. Then I will know the curse has been lifted. Until then, don't blame Tommy, blame the Gypsy.

Meg said...

I threw up all day, Quincy got in a fight with a door that resulted in splitting her forehead open and a goose egg, Corbin and Reese have pinkeye, and Reese and Quincy started throwing up at 9 and haven't learned how to make it to the bathroom or use a bowl, yet. It's been a night. I'm in the trenches with you, cousin. Hang in there.

Emily said...

Oh kate, that sounds so hard! I really wish I could have come to the movie with you last night. I hope you have a better day today!

Unknown said...

Boo!! Hang in there! Love you lots!

KathyS said...

Sorry you had such a hard day. I remember those days when I thought I'd have toddlers (and the craziness that goes with it)forever. But before you know it, you'll be missing those kiddos when they're gone. Just remember "This too shall pass."

Alicia said...

Your Dad is sooooo funny! I wish I was a witty a he!

Oh friend, sometimes you just need to cry it out. After that have a treat and sit down for some Dora. Cause if you can't beat them and I do mean literally beat them. Then you just need to join them.

Sycamore Girl said...

you're real Kate- and holy crap, that day sucked...and I'm sure the days afterwards too.

We are disconnected. Lets stop that.
I love you.