Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Many faces of Tommy

Tommy started his second year of preschool...I cant believe it! He loves school! He's a social bug, and he loves playing. He's such a fun kid, and loves to play pretend. Hes known around our neighborhood as the kid with all the costumes. Really, he has a bin full of costumes Hes loved them since he started imaginative play, but now is really getting into the roles. Boys must be born with "sound effects" installed, cause I didn't teach him any of the sounds he makes as he pretends to be whatever he is that hour. Here is a glimpse of what Tommys has been this week...

A star Student... devastated to learn that costumes weren't allowed at school except for halloween

as a Power the dentist. there are some battles just not worth fighting for me right now. 

 With a gas mask...

As Peter pan

Photos missing from this week: Tommy as a Pirate, Tommy as Spiderman, Tommy as a White Ninja

And Here a picture of Drue showing off how good his balance is getting!


Sycamore Girl said...

I am curious every day how Tommy will be dressed when he comes outside. Ah, to be three again, huh?! Maybe we should start an Adult Costume club...and not in the way you think!

You start...

Brookie Cookie's Blog said...

How Cute!! I miss watching Tommy so much. He is getting so big!