Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why Blog?? Good Blogging Rules for us all...

Today I ran across my friends blog and I saw her great reasons of things to Blog about and things not to blog about. Here's are some of our Ideas...
Things that are NOT Cool to blog about:

  • Why we should all wear stretchy pants, even when not pregnant
  • How our Life is like Jack Bower from 24
  • How Rob is thinking of trying out for the New American Gladiators just to be called "Thigh Master".
  • What new food and smell our Asian neighbors are cooking tonight?
  • Who are the ugliest kids in our ward?
  • What you shave on your body.
  • How my pretend life would be being bosom buddies with Anne of Green Gables
  • Things that can give you bad gas, or as my brother would call "dead whale gas".
  • Robs instruction to Kate on how to spit the Proper loogie.
  • Why we cant be your friend anymore cause its hurting our reputation.
  • The length and thickness of the hair on the inside of Robs thighs (thats for you Arianne)
Things that are cool to Blog about:
  • My Philosophies on why Diet Coke is the nectar of the Gods
  • Reports on the baby's growth, and the size of my growing arse
  • Why I cant stand Utah sometimes
  • Can you believe what this celebrity did today?
  • Stupid drivers I honk at (or flip off)
  • Any advice on how to survive student apartment living (including how to decorate cinder block and smelly neighbors)
  • A cool new band that Rob thinks no one has heard of.
  • A sweet sale or cheap stuff somewhere
  • Good new recipe that is sure to impress.
  • Things I learned about life no one ever told me before.
  • Our Cool friends and family
  • How we are trying to get in shape
  • Our BABY THOMAS...


brookie said...

Yipee...I'm so stoked the Stoker's have a blog! Oh, and I hope its ok if i take that pic of robbie sporting the speedo and make it my computer background. Classic! Glad to hear that baby-Probably-Thomas is doing so well. We love you guys!

Arianne said...

A good list, a very good list! And the things on the Not to blog about list, are things I still think are worth discussing (except Rob's nasty man thighs)- but maybe just not for the entire cyber world to in cringe upon. You are going to be good bloggers, I can tell!

L said...

Hi Kate!! This is Laura (Hulse)Davis! I've missed you so much! Congrats on the baby! I'm so happy for you two!!! Man, I can't wait to catch up! email me! :) LOVE YOU TONS!!!

Jana and Brett said...

Yay for baby Thomas. :0) I'm so happy he is doing great! How are YOU feeling Kate?
I love this Blog article. It is the Stoker's to a T. Very creative.
Love you guys.
We need to get together soon!

jenny said...

Don't worry I added you. I WAS IN VEGAS SILLY. You better add me or else. Miss you! We need to play soon.

L said...

Kate! if you want to check out my blog, feel free!!http//